Transport: Frontline | NUKU

Transport: Frontline

45 minutes|Young person, Grown-up|Oval Hall

What is the role of a politician in war? What about an artist?   

Estonian Theatre for Young Audiences’ production Transport: Frontline takes us to a warzone suffering from humanitarian crisis, raising many ethical questions that have no easy answers. How to stay humane even in the most difficult crises?  

Transport is a major international project by Slovenian director Tin Grabnar that brings together theatres from Estonia, Slovenia, Lithuania, the Czech Republic and Poland to create six unique chamber theatre productions. Transport can be regarded as a miniseries, in which each episode may be seen individually but which, if experienced together, create a cohesive whole. The productions share the form of a hyper-realistic 3D-printed miniature world where stories are told through the stop-motion technique used in animation.  


Lee Trei and Mart Müürisepp
