A story of a brave little dog named Nublu who turns up at the fire depot. He becomes a favourite among the firemen and becomes a true firefighter-dog.
The show includes a fire drill for the audience. The drill is carried out by fun firemen Mustpea (actor Tarmo Männard) and Valgemaa (actor Mihkel Tikerpalu) and their dog Nublu.
Mihkel Tikerpalu, Tarmo Männard, Katri Pekri, Lee Trei, Jevgeni Moissejenko, Laura Nõlvak
Helping roles Alice Kirsipuu, Janek Saareli
Also recommended
The Sun Takes a Holiday A story of caring, friendship and family. 45 min | Small Hall
Minnie Sensational news from the cat world. For 5-12 y/o. 1 h | Ferdinand Hall
The Timid Hippo and The Boy Who Turned into a Cake Funny tales of a hippo afraid of the flu shot, of a water pipe who dreams of opera and of a boy who turns into a cake! 50-60 min | Oval Hall